Salone del Mobile 2017

From 4th to 9th April 2017 Midj will be present at 56th edition of the Salone del Mobile in Milan. This year the introduced concept will be "Midj World ", a stand inspired by natural elements such as wood and stone, with a new unusual architecture.
Midj will show on this space, reminiscent the Grand Canyon, five new collections designed by Atelier Nanni, Paolo Vernier, Beatriz Sempere, next to the restyling of two bestselling company collections.
Salone Internazionale del Mobile
April 4-9 2017
Milan, Italy
Milan Fairground, Rho
Pav. 8, Stand C33
Opening time:
Tuesday-Friday: 9.30 a.m. - 6.30 pm
Entry reserved to operators.
Saturday 8 and sunday 9 opening to the public.