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100% Pasta - project by Paola Navone - Otto Studio

Giant tomatoes, a huge saucepan with its standard issue colander, king-size basil, and the Bolle collection to complete this extraordinary installation, all these create the aerial set designed by Paola Navone Otto Studio for Eataly. Key players in the installation, suspended in mid-air, are all the compulsory ingredients of the most classic recipe of Italian cuisine, that of pasta with tomato sauce, so simple as to require perfect execution, the testing ground of every self-respecting cook. A real surprise coup de théâtre that once again animates the former Teatro Smeraldo, a historic building from the 1940s and since 2014 home to Eataly, with quirky and outsized features for the occasion of the Interni Design Re-Evolution project for Milan Design Week 2023.

The relationship between design and food is a very close one,” says Paola Navone, “Working on a product or interior design project is like preparing a dish: you
have to choose the raw material to be used, think about how to communicate it to the customer, respond to the expectations of the end user, know how to combine quality
and aesthetics, arouse emotion, create connections, use discipline, imagination and flexibility

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